Wellness Therapy Center has a growing list of resources to help you in your journey.
The Inner Child Workbook By: Cathryn L. Taylor
This is a workbook with exercises meant to heal your inner child. The book contains 11 chapters, each meant to work with a different version of yourself. Includes techniques to communicate better with your parents, gives you tools to confront and grieve your past and help you cope more effectively.
Healing the Trauma of Abuse: A Women's Workbook By: Mary Ellen Copeland and Maxine Harris
This is a workbook meant for a woman's journey through recovery of abuse. The book works toward self empowerment, trauma recovery, creating life changes, and closing rituals.
Mindsight: The new science of personal transformation By: Daniel J. Siegel
This is a book meant to shift your perspective and depthen your knowledge in the integration of brain science and psychotherapy. This book introduces characters to you and helps guide the reader through Dr. Siegel's thinking process.
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself By: Dr. Joe Dispenza
This is an informational book, meant to guide you through overcoming environment, body, and time. It's a lengthy book with step by step tools and techniques.
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9am – 7pm